Good Practices

Have a look at Good Practices around the world.
DOE office of Nuclear Energy visit the BASIS DC Public Charter School on October 20, 2017. Original public domain image from Flickr Good Practices


51359117581_85486f3456_b Good Practices

You are what you eat

food prices go up again Good Practices

Nutrition education network for sustainable development of the Nysa Euroregion

village-children-farm Good Practices

The Food Literacy Project

Strawberries_Pick_Your_Own Good Practices

Farm to School

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Food Recovery Network

GI_Market_food_waste Good Practices

Life – Foodprint Good Practices

Food for Life

apples-carrots-food-foodie Good Practices

European School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (EU SFVS)

cHJpdmF0ZS9sci9pbWFnZXMvd2Vic2l0ZS8yMDIyLTExL2ZsNTIzNzI3NDAwNDQtaW1hZ2UuanBn Good Practices

The Food Bank of Greece

shopping-business-retail-shopping-cart Good Practices

Social Supermarkets

A vegetable stall at Borough Market in London, UK Good Practices

Boroume (We Can)

high-school-class Good Practices

Erasmus+ “RESPECT”

unequal-education Good Practices

Really Healthy School

pexels-gustavo-fring-3984718 (1) Good Practices


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How to compost and useful tips to reduce food waste

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Regenerative Farming Greece

Biodegradable_food_packaging_including_coffee_cups_and_holder Good Practices

Boroume at School

A table full of vegetables including celery and carrots at Marché aux Fleurs. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons Good Practices

Close the food circle

environmental-education-nature-activities-children Good Practices
