The Food Literacy Project

Country of implementation

United States of America

Type of the practice

Educational programme

Initiator of the practice

Field Day Farm Company

Type of education

Non-formal education

Age of participants


How many participants max can participate


Education form


Short description

The Food Literacy Project is an educational initiative that uses food and farming to promote sustainable and healthy food choices. Through a variety of programs and resources, the project engages young people in farm-based education, leadership, employment, community engagement, and civic involvement opportunities to foster personal growth and social change. The project prioritizes experiential learning, emphasizing hands-on activities that elicit joy in cultivating knowledge. The Food Literacy Project relishes the chance to help cultivate the joy of learning by doing. The activities are all related to farm-to-school education and environmental awareness. These activities include games, experiments, and outdoor activities that teach children and adults about topics such as composting, seed dissection, food miles, food webs, gardening tips, soil quality, and the different parts of plants. The activities are designed to be engaging and interactive, encouraging participants to get up and moving while learning about sustainable agriculture and healthy eating habits. Many of the activities are available in both English and Spanish. Overall, the activities provide a fun and educational way to promote environmental stewardship and healthy eating habits. The project is also coordinating a Field-to-Fork club. Field-to-Fork is a 6-10 week after school club leading students in grades 3-5 through a discovery of holistic wellness. The aim of this initiative is to learn about nourishing ourselves, the planet, and one another through gardening, cooking, and hands-on nutrition activities. At the end of each meeting of the club, students receive a portion of vegetables and pantry items to use at home and practice their culinary skills with their families. The final meeting is a celebration where students select their preferred recipes and prepare a community meal to share with their family members.


Impact: The Food Literacy Project has a significant impact on the lives of the youth it serves. The project offers farm-based education programs that teach young people about food systems, gardening, cooking, and nutrition. The hands-on approach to learning helps participants develop a deeper understanding of where their food comes from and how to make healthy food choices.
  • Replicability: The Food Literacy Project has developed a replicable model for farm-based education that can be adapted and implemented in other communities.

Challenges in implementation

Funding: As with many non-profit organizations, funding can be a challenge for The Food Literacy Project. The organization relies on grants, donations, and fundraising to support its programs. This can create uncertainty and limit the organization’s ability to plan and expand its programs.
  • Access to land: The Food Literacy Project’s programs rely on access to land for gardening and farming. This can be a challenge in urban areas where land is expensive and may be owned by private individuals or corporations.
  • Infrastructure: The organization’s programs require infrastructure, such as greenhouses, kitchens, and storage facilities, to support gardening and cooking activities. Building and maintaining this infrastructure can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Staffing: The Food Literacy Project relies on staff and volunteers to deliver its programs. Recruiting and retaining qualified staff and volunteers can be a challenge, particularly in a competitive job market or in areas where there are few people with the required skills.
  • Cultural barriers: The organization’s programs may face cultural barriers in some communities, where gardening or cooking may not be seen as traditional activities. Overcoming these barriers may require outreach and education efforts to help people understand the value of the organization’s programs.
