The aim of this program is to enable and support the transition of farming in Greece into a regenerative one, by sharing the knowledge about agroforestry, its possibilities for restoring soil, plant and animal health, thus regenerating our ecosystems and building resilience facing climate change.
Applying regenerative farming practices like agroforestries, water control, holistic management, land planning and design as well as other techniques have proven highly efficient in the short, mid and long term all over the world both in ecological and economical terms.
6 pilot farms that represent the most prevailing agricultural models of the Mediterranean, will be converted into regenerative farming operations.
The farms, the designs and the basic framework will be published to share the basics about regenerative farming and support farmers in the transition of their own farm.
Further, our aim is to raise awareness for this regenerative farming and empower farmers all over Greece to convert their operations into regenerative ones.
Creating and operating 6 pilot farms with different agricultural models highlights the attention that this project pays to strengthen its impact. This is because efforts were made to showcase the wide usability of regenerative farming operations across different farming models. Moreover, its replicability is increased by ensuring that knowledge about agroforestry (the main philosophy and methodology to implement regenerative farming practices) among interested farmers.
There are high start-up and running costs in owning and operating a farm. These can increase significantly when transitioning to regenerative farming without necessarily leading to higher and more profitable yields. Therefore, regenerative practices are not yet available to most small sized farmers. Furthermore, the pilot farms and activities were designed with the Greek and Mediterranean climate and conditions in mind, so they would have to be readjusted for different growing conditions.