SlowFood Iceland – Interview for Information Providers (Teachers) #2

This interview refers to the SlowFood Iceland project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What were the original goals and objectives of this practice/activity?

The idea came from abroad where this has been practiced. It came in 2003 or 2004,
They wanted a fair trade food for everyone.

What was found to be particularly useful in achieving this practice objectives (methods, approaches)?

Part of Slowfood is bio diversity and the protection off it. Protecting old recipe of heritage food in its originally form like the Icelandic skyrs.

What did students like the most about this practice?

Fair trade food and smaller suppliers.

What were the key problems areas of this practice?

Expansion of SlowFood as it is extra activity for most people there hasn’t been a good expansion in Iceland.

How can these elements be improved in the future?

We have to host events, get into media and other places to get the material and the idea of SlowFood out.

Is this practice replicable by other teachers in different countries? What factors should be considered while replicating this practice?

It is already replicabled in many countries and each SlowFood in each country has different focus due to the local community.

What was the most inspiring aspect for you while implementing this practice?

It is sustainable food system with biological diversity and good practices.


SWOT Analysis


  • Sustainability
  • Food literacy
  • Bio diveristy
  • Eco system management
  • Helps small farmers and food producers
  • International good practices


  • Small participation
  • Extra food cost for consumer


  • Changed consumer and food manufacturers behavior. 
  • Replicability in other regions/ countries.
  • Keeps the market diversified of small and large producers


  • Low level of participation and interest in the Case Study.
  • Economic market
  • Different food related organizations bigger then them

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