Boroume at School – Interview for Information Recipients (Students) #2

This interview refers to the Boroume at School project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What did you like the most about this practice?

Collaborating with the parents was the most useful way to achieve this practice.

What did you like the least about this practice?

Generally, when implementing a practice that is intended to become a routine for children, one can expect to encounter some challenges. Especially, in Greece, where a teacher is not permanently cooperating with the same school, making the sustainability and process making of the programme challenging.

 How can this practice be improved in the future?

The practice is going to be improved only when the teacher acts as an example and observes what the students do in the classroom, which is quite difficult because we do other things as teachers.

Do you think your understanding of Food Literacy and sustainable food systems has been improved after implementing this practice?

I realized that it had become “a way of life” for me. When my students saw me personally disposing of recycling waste in the recycling bins, they immediately offered to do the same. So, I would add, that us, as teachers, who have received the “Boroume at School” training, should incorporate its components to our routine, and inspire students towards the path of understanding better the issue of food waste.

Have you made any changes to your diet yet after implementing this practice?

Not specifically, but I have noticed that I have been more curious and cautious.

Do you have any ideas, how can sustainable food systems be promoted among young people/children?

Everyday practices at school.
It is significant to highlight that Thessaloniki’s Bing Bang School frequently follows wholesome food habits. Particularly, the school strongly encourages food waste reduction as a general practice. There is a ritualistic approach to lunchtime, when kids consume their meals while taking in the peaceful vibe generated by lit candles and calming music. Children who have not eaten their food at the end of the meal also have the option of sharing it with their peers.
The practice described is:
Teachers should teach children what and how to compost their waste. They had two different bins in each classroom, one for composting and one regular. One student for each week was in charge to check the composting bin and find out if the waste is proper for composting. The practice was always overviewed by the class-teacher who helped their students if they had concerns.

SWOT Analysis


  • Innovative programme. 
  • Raising awareness.
  • Close cooperation with different entities/ engagement of local communities.
  • Use of active participation methodology.
  • Implementation of a learning-by-doing approach to enhance critical thinking, analytical thinking and creativity. 
  • Inspiring programme, effective for the change of students’ perception and habits. 


  • The link among the awareness raising of activists on the field, and the pedagogical aspect of it. 
  • Difficulty to track the impact of those practices after the end of the programme. 
  • Difficulty to prolong the sustainability of the programme itseld in one school, because schools in Greece tend to have a very rigid program (this has been improved in the last years). 


  • Changed consumer and food manufacturers behavior. 
  • Replicability in other regions, and easily transferable to other national contexts, with some small changes. 
  • Expand the programme to the broader community of school, families, friends etc. 
  • Provoking critical thinking and change of habits. 


  • The loaded schedules and official curriculums of the Greek schools, that do not leave enough space for such Programmes. 
  • The different habits that students observe among school and home environments. 
  • The process of changing habits is long, and it might take time to observe it and thus its results. 
The listed weaknesses do not threaten the implementation of the Case Study in the future.

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