Boroume at School – Interview for Information Recipients (Students) #1

This interview refers to the Boroume at School project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What did you like the most about this practice?

Most of the students already implemented some of the practices to their homes. For example, they told me that they had in their home different bins, one for recycling and one regular. However, they always seemed excited when we were doing activities at school.

What did you like the least about this practice?

The key problem still is that we are not able to track the impact of those practices and be sure that children and parents are implementing those practices at their everyday life.

Do you think your understanding of Food Literacy and sustainable food systems has been improved after implementing this practice?

Implementing these practices in school is highly beneficial because they can help students in their everyday lives too. Many times, we observed children wasting their food during lunch breaks, but we have noticed a reduction. In the past, we saw these kids wasting their food without concern for the environment, but now it’s different; now, kids are aware of the impact.

Have you made any changes to your diet yet after implementing this practice?

A few yes.
And also, I observed tor my students, who are also recipients of the programme “Mporoume at School”, that the most inspiring aspect of the it was that I found out that they started wondering about their food and their food waste.

Do you have any ideas, how can sustainable food systems be promoted among young people/children?

I tried to improve it with small walks in the small forest opposite the school and let the children observe the landscape of it freely. There they found out that other students/people often threw a lot of rubbish which we all picked up together, in the end.
Therefore, I would say that the experimental learning aspect is very important in the learning process for young people and children.

SWOT Analysis


  • Innovative programme. 
  • Raising awareness.
  • Close cooperation with different entities/ engagement of local communities.
  • Use of active participation methodology.
  • Implementation of a learning-by-doing approach to enhance critical thinking, analytical thinking and creativity. 
  • Inspiring programme, effective for the change of students’ perception and habits. 


  • The link among the awareness raising of activists on the field, and the pedagogical aspect of it. 
  • Difficulty to track the impact of those practices after the end of the programme. 
  • Difficulty to prolong the sustainability of the programme itseld in one school, because schools in Greece tend to have a very rigid program (this has been improved in the last years). 


  • Changed consumer and food manufacturers behavior. 
  • Replicability in other regions, and easily transferable to other national contexts, with some small changes. 
  • Expand the programme to the broader community of school, families, friends etc. 
  • Provoking critical thinking and change of habits. 


  • The loaded schedules and official curriculums of the Greek schools, that do not leave enough space for such Programmes. 
  • The different habits that students observe among school and home environments. 
  • The process of changing habits is long, and it might take time to observe it and thus its results. 
The listed weaknesses do not threaten the implementation of the Case Study in the future.

Case Study Info

Good Practice Title:

Boroume at School

Meeting Date and Place:


Name of the Interviewee:

Christina Dimitriadi

Gender and Age of The Interviewee:


Position or Role of the Interviewee:

Teacher at Moraitis School

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