Valuing food! Sincerely, food! – Global learning approach on food waste in non-formal education

Country of implementation

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria

Type of the practice

Educational Project, International

Initiator of the practice

Nationwide non-profit membership organization, Eesti Korteriühistute Liit (EKÜL)

Type of education

Non-formal, households, teachers, students

Age of participants


How many participants max can participate


Education form


Short description

The Lithuanian Consumer Institute led the project, which took place from October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2020. The project coordinator in Estonia was the Association of Estonian Apartment Cooperatives.  The campaign had the following goals:
  • To raise consumer awareness of the possibilities of reducing food waste in households, which included sharing food tips, explaining food labels used in trade, preparing educational materials, conducting thematic seminars and trainings for adults, and lessons in schools.
  • To draw the public’s attention to the global effects of food waste and the importance of reducing food waste, including through public media and information campaigns.
The project activities included: • Trainings in companies. • Practical group work in schools. • Food laboratories “Cook your way to global understanding.” • Trainings for cooperative leaders and education workers. • Competitions in schools and cooperatives. • Digital workshops for storytelling. • Installations in public space. • Presentations at fairs and conferences. As part of the campaign, the following were produced:


The replicability of such activities is easy, and the impact is high because many people from different countries participated in the project. Therefore, the involvement of international communities is ensured and well-controlled.

Challenges in implementation

People are hard to engage in project activities.
