
Country of implementation

Estonia, Narva

Type of the practice

Method: working in pairs using Padlet Make a post on the padlet wall

Initiator of the practice


Type of education


Age of participants


How many participants max can participate


Education form


Short description

  • to highlight importance of the fair trade products 
  • to inspire and encourage concrete actions that benefit the healthy fair trade nutrition
  • to drive awareness of the issues of unfair trade, explain and ask students to choose Fairtrade. 
Working in pairs to find fair trade products in the supermarkets. Tasks: take a photo of the product, find the manufacturer country of the product, find a fair trade sign on it, make a post on the Padlet wall. In comments answer the question, Why prefer Fair trade product?


One of the key success indicators of using Fair Trade topic on the lesson is to think about what we eat and how Fairtrade impact achieves the Sustainable Development Goals, in a way that engages new audiences and gets people interested in a Fairtrade products. This is the way to overview the habits and change student´s mind about healthy lifestyle.

Challenges in implementation

Unwillingness to work in pairs, disinterest in a healthy lifestyle, lack of time for independent work (going to the supermarket).

