Boroume (We Can)

Country of implementation


Type of the practice

Local initiative

Initiator of the practice


Type of education


Age of participants

All ages

How many participants max can participate


Education form


Short description

Boroume is a non-profit organization with the aim of reducing food waste and combating malnutrition throughout Greece. As part of the “Food Rescue & Donation” program, every day, “Boroume” saves food and foodstuffs from all possible donors such as restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets, and offers them, through public interest agencies, such as charitable organizations and social welfare institutions to people who are in food insecurity. In this way they reduce the environmental burden and at the same time support the most sensitive social groups with food. Boroume comprehensively approaches the phenomenon of food waste through:
  • the informational program “No Portion of Food Lost” 
  • the educational program “Boroume at School” 
  • the program for saving surplus agricultural production “Boroume in the Field” 
  • the program for rescuing products from street markets “Boroume in Laiki” 
  • the voluntary information program for potential food donors “Boroume in Neighborhood”
With the “We are a Family” program, they directly, decently and transparently support people with the greatest nutritional need. Boroume’s vision is to develop a social movement to reduce food waste and at the same time increase food support for people in need based on voluntary donations. Boroume is supported by a number of sponsors such as google, Vodafone, Mercedes benz, Lidl, Barilla and other.


Some of Boroume main strengths that reveal its great impact are: 
  • Efficient Food Redistribution: Boroume has developed an effective system for collecting surplus food from various sources, such as food businesses, and distributing it to charities and vulnerable populations. Through their well-organized logistics and network, they ensure timely and efficient distribution, enabling surplus food to reach those in need.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: The organization has established partnerships with stakeholders such as food producers, retailers, distributors, and charitable organizations, creating a network that facilitates the efficient flow of surplus food and resources. This maximizes the impact of their efforts and promotes awareness of food waste reduction.
  • Awareness and Education: Boroume conducts workshops, events, and social media campaigns to educate individuals, businesses, and the wider community about food waste and promote behavior change towards reducing it.
  • Social Impact: The Boroume initiative directly addresses food insecurity and helps alleviate hunger in Greece. By providing surplus food to charities and vulnerable populations, they make a positive social impact and support the well-being of individuals and communities in need.
Their model is scalable and replicable, allowing other regions and countries to adopt similar initiatives and expand food waste reduction efforts.

Challenges in implementation

Managing the logistics and transportation of surplus food can be difficult due to the need for proper storage, refrigeration, and timely delivery to ensure food safety. Coordinating pickups from various sources and organizing efficient distribution networks require dedicated resources and careful planning.  Ensuring the safety and quality of the collected surplus food is also crucial and requires proper protocols and systems to assess the condition of the donated food, check expiration dates, and handle potential food safety concerns.  Sustaining the engagement and commitment of food businesses and donors over time can also be challenging, and compliance with relevant legal and regulatory frameworks can present challenges.
