You Are What You Eat – Interview for Information Recipients (Students) #2

This interview refers to the You Are What You Eat project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What did you like the most about this practice?

The advantages of this practice include, first and foremost, raising people’s awareness of the impact of nutrition on the proper functioning of the human body. It shows how important both physical activity and a healthy, well-balanced diet are in the everyday life of every person. Importantly, it highlights how neglecting the basic principles of healthy eating can contribute to bodily dysfunctions that may manifest themselves in the emergence of the increasingly common civilisation diseases of today, such as obesity.

What did you like the least about this practice?

A weakness of this practice is that the basic principles of healthy eating (particularly attention to meal variety) are not described in detail. It is important that our diet should be varied, adequately balanced and provide all the nutrients for the proper functioning of the organism. In my opinion, too much attention has also been paid to the calorific value of products. What is more important here is their nutritional value (availability of complete proteins, fats, carbohydrates or vitamins and minerals).

 How can this practice be improved in the future?

Certainly, the ever-increasing proportion of people struggling with obesity these days will mean that there will also be a growing interest in solutions for how to help these people with these conditions, This practice has great potential for raising awareness among this audience in particular. Highlighting this fact can induce them to change their eating habits. The potential of this practice could be strengthened through the implementation of different events, verbinars or workshops where meals could be composed together.

Do you think your understanding of Food Literacy and sustainable food systems has been improved after implementing this practice?

Yes, to a certain extent, this practice increased my knowledge in this area. However, most of the issues were already known to me.

Have you made any changes to your diet yet after implementing this practice?

No, because I am familiar with all the principles that are included in this practice, and I have been applying them to my diet for a long time. I pay attention to what I eat, the composition of the products, their nutritional value and, above all, the variety of foods and their appropriate energy balance.

Do you have any ideas, how can sustainable food systems be promoted among young people/children?

The right way to eat can certainly be promoted through various social media (fb, Instagram, tic-tac-toe, etc.). However, various events where people could see, for example, how to compose meals properly (e.g. workshops), conferences on healthy eating could be equally helpful in promotion.

SWOT Analysis


  • Focus on the power of nutrition in shaping our overall health,  well-being and proper functioning of the human body.
  • The opportunity to develop key digital and social competences.
  • User-friendly form of content presentation using various interactive options.
  • Educational material aimed at different target groups.


  • The influence of psychological and emotional factors on eating habits is overlooked.
  • Basic principles of healthy eating (particularly attention to meal variety) are not described in details.
  • Insufficient attention paid to nutritional value (availability of complete proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or vitamins and minerals).
  • The lack of free combinations of foods to ensure the daily nutrient requirements.


  • By providing educational resources and tools, the project can raise awareness and encourage behavioral changes towards more sustainable food choices.
  • Can be easily replicated and adapted to different contexts and audiences.
  • The potential of this practice could be strengthened through the dissemination activities such as implementation of different events, webinars or workshops.
  • Great potential for dissemination of results in line with current nutritional trends.
  • Providing interactive illustrations, creation of a “healthy eating plate”, workshop activities in groups according to the principle “practice makes perfect“.
  • The project raises awareness about the environmental impact of food production, fostering a sense of responsibility for sustainable choices.
  • Students could become advocates for making environmentally conscious decisions both in and out of the classroom.
  • Students can apply their newfound knowledge to make informed and healthier food choices for themselves and their families.
  • Exposure to nutritionists, environmental scientists, and local farmers provides insight into potential career paths and areas of interest.


  • Funding is limited to the duration of the project.
  • Promoting sustainable food consumption and production practices requires behavior change, which can be difficult to achieve.
  • The project’s educational resources and tools may not be sufficient to overcome ingrained habits and cultural norms related to food choices.
  • Discussions about food choices can sometimes be sensitive, as they may intersect with cultural, religious, or personal beliefs.
  • The problem with ensuring should ensure  respectful and inclusive environment by researchers where diverse perspectives are valued.
  • The intricate relationship between nutrition, health, and the environment might overwhelm students, making it difficult for them to grasp the key concepts.

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