You Are What You Eat – Interview for Information Providers (Teachers) #1

This interview refers to the You Are What You Eat project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What were the original goals and objectives of this practice/activity?

The aim of the activity was to impart knowledge on: the principles of good nutrition, the importance of minerals and vitamins for the protection of human health, skilful menu planning taking into account nutritional needs and familiarisation with eating disorders for their clear diagnosis in everyday life.

What was found to be particularly useful in achieving this practice objectives (methods, approaches)?

Methods/forms of work: work with text, workshop method, chat, anticipatory strategy, possibility of individual and group work. Through these forms of work there is an opportunity to develop key competences by communication in the mother tongue communication in a foreign language, digital competence, learning to learn and social competence.

What did students like the most about this practice?

An interesting stage of the lesson was the opportunity for the pupils to read an extract from the text ‘Proper nutrition’. The lesson leader then has the opportunity to display interactive illustrations, such as the ‘Healthy Eating Plate’. Volunteers explain the nutrients provided by the products indicated by the teacher, while at the same time becoming aware of the importance of their daily choices in proper nutrition.

What were the key problems areas of this practice?

The problem was the lack of free combinations of foods to ensure the daily nutrient requirements were met, the issue of variety of foods in the diet, etc.

How can these elements be improved in the future?

Interactive illustrations, creation of a “healthy eating plate”, workshop activities in groups according to the principle “practice makes perfect”.

Is this practice replicable by other teachers in different countries? What factors should be considered while replicating this practice?

Yes, I believe that without any problem, teachers in different countries can use such methods by referring to the eating habits in their country, the food culture, meal times, etc.

What was the most inspiring aspect for you while implementing this practice?

Interactive illustrations, references to words that may be difficult for the learner, tasks to check understanding of the issue

Additional comments

Good practice title “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” emphasises the interdependence between food and identity, which was developed by 20th century anthropologists, historians and literary scholars. They have shown that because of the biological imperative to eat and drink every day, and the central role that food acquisition, production and consumption play in our existence, food functions as a powerful social, religious, gendered, political and cultural marker. Students become aware that the sum of food-related activities creates a kind of culinary identity that serves to both define and differentiate.

SWOT Analysis


  • Focus on the power of nutrition in shaping our overall health,  well-being and proper functioning of the human body.
  • The opportunity to develop key digital and social competences.
  • User-friendly form of content presentation using various interactive options.
  • Educational material aimed at different target groups.


  • The influence of psychological and emotional factors on eating habits is overlooked.
  • Basic principles of healthy eating (particularly attention to meal variety) are not described in details.
  • Insufficient attention paid to nutritional value (availability of complete proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or vitamins and minerals).
  • The lack of free combinations of foods to ensure the daily nutrient requirements.


  • By providing educational resources and tools, the project can raise awareness and encourage behavioral changes towards more sustainable food choices.
  • Can be easily replicated and adapted to different contexts and audiences.
  • The potential of this practice could be strengthened through the dissemination activities such as implementation of different events, webinars or workshops.
  • Great potential for dissemination of results in line with current nutritional trends.
  • Providing interactive illustrations, creation of a “healthy eating plate”, workshop activities in groups according to the principle “practice makes perfect“.
  • The project raises awareness about the environmental impact of food production, fostering a sense of responsibility for sustainable choices.
  • Students could become advocates for making environmentally conscious decisions both in and out of the classroom.
  • Students can apply their newfound knowledge to make informed and healthier food choices for themselves and their families.
  • Exposure to nutritionists, environmental scientists, and local farmers provides insight into potential career paths and areas of interest.


  • Funding is limited to the duration of the project.
  • Promoting sustainable food consumption and production practices requires behavior change, which can be difficult to achieve.
  • The project’s educational resources and tools may not be sufficient to overcome ingrained habits and cultural norms related to food choices.
  • Discussions about food choices can sometimes be sensitive, as they may intersect with cultural, religious, or personal beliefs.
  • The problem with ensuring should ensure  respectful and inclusive environment by researchers where diverse perspectives are valued.
  • The intricate relationship between nutrition, health, and the environment might overwhelm students, making it difficult for them to grasp the key concepts.

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