Susplus Project – Interview for Information Providers (Teachers) #1

This interview refers to the Susplus project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What were the original goals and objectives of this practice/activity?

Dissemination of knowledge about sustainable food systems on the model of e.g. organic food. The effect would be a change in eating and consumption habits, care for the environment and a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature.

What was found to be particularly useful in achieving this practice objectives (methods, approaches)?

Dissemination and reproduction using information technology. This is especially important for young people who use new technologies every day.

What did students like the most about this practice?

Promoting sustainable consumption and reproducing this knowledge through different forms, media and languages.

What were the key problems areas of this practice?

Limiting the project to young people only. Other age and social groups also require such education. Limiting the implementation of the project only to the time of its financing.

How can these elements be improved in the future?

Take care of the education of people in other age groups (the elderly). Promoting healthy eating and caring for the environment should be addressed to the whole society.
Include these issues in the programs of the University of the Third Age.

Is this practice replicable by other teachers in different countries? What factors should be considered while replicating this practice?

Yes. When reproducing this topic, the conditions of the natural environment in a given country, endangered areas or ecosystems should be taken into account, but also natural resources should be used rationally.

What was the most inspiring aspect for you while implementing this practice?

The topic is an interesting challenge; I don’t have any specific experience yet, but I try to talk about healthy food and environmental protection with young people on various occasions. In my private life – I care about the quality of food, at least some of the products I buy from well-known sources (directly from the farm).


SWOT Analysis


  • Different forms and ways of transferring the knowledge
  • Reaching both remote and traditional forms
  • Presented content is often supported by examples
  • High-quality, international, comprehensive knowledge in various areas of sustainable food systems development
  • The use of online and digital resources that make the project accessible to a wide range of people


  • Boring, unattractive website
  • Limiting the implementation of the project only to the time of its financing
  • Lack of workshops and practical exercises
  • Lack of tools developed by the project to engage stakeholders in its continuation


  • The educational materials and tools provided by SUSPLUS PROJECT can be easily replicated and adapted to different contexts and audiences
  • It allows participants to create an educational process tailored to their needs
  • Promoting an approach tailored to individual needs is in line with the personality profile of Generation Z
  • Education and communication campaigns can empower individuals to make informed choices and actively participate in sustainability initiatives.
  • Encouraging partnerships between institutions such as universities brings together diverse knowledge, resources and perspectives, which can lead to the separation of the food management education sector
  • Promoting sustainable food consumption among students and schoolchildren
  • Raise awareness and encourage behavioral changes towards more sustainable food choices
  • Clear planning, stakeholder involvement, effective communication, and a strategy for managing SURPLUS PROJECT results in a way that is responsible, transparent, and aligned with the goals set


  • Limited funding can hinder the implementation. 
  • Resistance from stakeholders, whether due to lack of awareness or vested interests, can impede progress and hinder the adoption of sustainable practices
  • Educational resources and tools may not be sufficient to overcome ingrained habits and cultural norms related to food choices
  • Requires behavioral change, which can be difficult to achieve
  • A mismanaged of the project outputs could lead to unequal access or underutilization of resources by those who need them most
  • The need for establishing mechanisms or infrastructure for the implementation of the project results. Fair and equitable distribution might be difficult to achieve.
  • The need to involve project partners to prepare application for funds to continue the project

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