RESPECT – Interview for Information Recipients (Students) #2

This interview refers to the RESPECT project which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What did you like the most about this practice?

What I really liked about the project was the alternative way of learning. Specifically, we learnt so many things about the environment only by playing a game! It was honestly a funny proceduce.

What did you like the least about this practice?

What I didn’t like so much about the project was the fact that it lasted only two years so we didn’t have the appropriate time to work on it.

 Do you think your understanding of Food Literacy and sustainable food systems has been improved after implementing this practice?

It seems to me that this project has many opportunities. Especially, it would be a good idea to organize activities which are associated with food systems. Furthermore, it would be important to work again on such projects.

Have you made any changes to your diet yet after implementing this practice?

Yes it has obviously been improved! Undoubtedly, this is the purpose of the project. Most of us already knew about eating healthy but we had no idea for the impact of healthy eating schedule on the environment.

Do you have any ideas, how can sustainable food systems be promoted among young people/children?

People should discuss among them about this topic and work on it very well. Then, it’s important for the right absorption to create activities without difficulties , so as everyone to be able to gain experience and knowledge.

SWOT Analysis


  • Multi-Country collaboration.
  • Enhancing social and civic competences.
  • Interactive serious game.
  • Integration with school curricula.
  • Promotion of sustainable behavior.


  • Limited reach and scalability.
  • Challenges in implementation.
  • Limited budget that may affect the sustainability after the end of the project.
  •  Limited resources for training and support of teachers who want to implement the project results. 


  • Expanding reach. 
  • Expand in broader topics related to sustainability.
  • Long-Term impact assessment to see how it influenced students.
  • Engage and involve with communities beyond school.


  • Sustainability beyond the project.
  • Technical infrastructure and access.
  • Could any of the listed weaknesses seriously threaten the implementation of the Case Study in the future?

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