Masterchef – Interview for Information Recipients (Students) #2

This interview refers to the Masterchef activity which can be found in our Good Practices section.


What did you like the most about this practice?

I really enjoyed the challenge of creating the dishes starting from random ingredients, but also the fact of having to find a strategy with the group, and coordinating ourselves. That was really nice!

What did you like the least about this practice?

I did this activity in two different projects and the second time it was in national teams, and I think it was more challenging and diverse when we were in mixed groups than in the other time.

 How can this practice be improved in the future?

I think that this activity can be really fun, and, if it’s connected with some other activities, or if there is a reflection about the topic at the activity, it’s really useful and it can be really educational as it is.

Do you think your understanding of Food Literacy and sustainable food systems has been improved after implementing this practice?

It made me think about the impact of certain ingredients, especially the ones I used in the recipe from my country, and it also helped me to understand that some dishes can be created while considering the impact. You can create new recipes, sustainable ones, without losing flavour or the traditions connected to your cultures.

Have you made any changes to your diet yet after implementing this practice?

I was following a vegetarian diet before, and I kept doing it.

Do you have any ideas, how can sustainable food systems be promoted among young people/children?

I think that children, especially the ones that live in the city, have lost connection with the food. They don’t know where the food is coming from because they just see packaged in the supermarket. So, I think that what they need is to see where it comes from, this is to go and visit a farm, see where the vegetables are grown actually, maybe harvest them or just see how they are grown, and afterwards make them cook some things with the products that they took from the farm in order to see the process and to understand where the food comes from and the impact that it can have in the land, but also in your body because you will probably be eating something healthier if you know where it comes from.

SWOT Analysis


  • Practicality: cooking is a proven method that works for raising awareness about food sustainability.
  • Teambuilding approach creates close relations between participants.
  • Incentivates a mindful approach to reducing food waste.
  • Encourages creativity in order to redefine traditional recipes.
  • Calculating food footprint encourages the development of sustainable behaviours.
  • Participants acquire new recipes and knowledge. 
  • Adaptable to different profiles: competition encourages proactiveness and engagement.
  • Debriefing moments allow deeper reflection.
  • By choosing the ingredients, organizers can decide in which direction they want to lead the activity.


  • Better footprint calculation methods need to be found.
  • In order to be implemented, organizers need to be sure of having all the necessary tools and equipment, which will not be always the case.
  • Competition approach can put too much pressure on some participants.


  • Playful pedagogical practice allows participants to learn while having fun.
  • Provides new knowledge and encourages reflection.
  • Can be replicated in different contexts and countries, and with different profiles of groups (age, knowledge).


  • Participants with no cooking skills might find it less attractive. 
  • Lack of knowledge about food sustainability can lead to undesired results.

Case Study Info

Good Practice Title:


Meeting Date and Place:

Borgo San Lorenzo, 18/09/2023

Name of the Interviewee:

Mathilde Sola

Gender and Age of The Interviewee:

Female, 24 years old

Position or Role of the Interviewee:


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