You are what you eat

Country of implementation


Type of the practice

Educational project

Initiator of the practice

Governmental body

Type of education


Age of participants


How many participants max can participate


Education form


Short description

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT is a project financed from EU funds, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Sciences that aims to promote sustainable food consumption among school children. This is a program to support the child nutrition system by:
  • promotion of sustainable food
  • promotion of better quality and healthier food
  • easier access to knowledge about healthy nutrition
  • disseminating knowledge about Polish regional and traditional products
  • promoting and stimulating the use of high-quality food.
The project provides various forms of education in order to acquire knowledge about healthy food and proper nutrition. Participants will learn how to:
  • discuss the rules of proper nutrition and apply them in everyday life
  • plan a menu for the whole day, taking into account nutritional needs
  • describe the importance of vitamins and minerals for human health
  • characterize eating disorders (obesity and anorexia)
  • care for food, not to spoil and lose nutritional value.
The project involves collaboration with schools to integrate sustainable food practices into their curriculum, as well as with food producers, retailers, health specialists and policymakers to promote sustainable food systems. Education is conducted in the form of lectures, workshops, educational materials and competitions.  


  • Impact: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT can have a significant impact in promoting sustainable food consumption among school children and young people. By providing educational resources and tools, the project can raise awareness and encourage behavioral changes towards more sustainable food choices.
  • Reproducibility: The learning resources and tools provided by YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT can be easily replicated and adapted to different contexts and audiences. The project’s emphasis on online and digital resources makes it accessible to a wide range of people. The project ensures the inclusion of sustainable nutritional practices in the curricula in schools and other forms of education.
  • Cooperation with other entities ensures that a diverse range of perspectives and expertise is brought to the project.

Challenges in implementation

  • YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT – it is a new standard of perception of food,  its impact on human health, created with a view to its subsequent use in systemic activities by other non-governmental organizations, central or local institutions, or organized groups of citizens.
  • Attitudes –  change the perception of healthy food and to shape young people’s new habits regarding safe food and its impact on human health and the natural environment.
  • Promoting sustainable food consumption and production practices requires behavior change, which can be difficult to achieve. The project’s educational resources and tools may not be sufficient to overcome ingrained habits and cultural norms related to food choices.
  • Funding is limited to the duration of the project.
  • Coordination and collaboration: The project’s collaboration with multiple stakeholders may present challenges in coordinating efforts and ensuring effective communication and implementation of sustainable food practices.
